Brunswick, Missouri is a small town with only
nine hundred twenty five residents and pretty
much everybody knows everybody. It may just
be a small town in Missouri, but there is always
a quiet a bit of drama surrounding certain
families. Now, as if the drama isn't enough,
a recent epidemic is now on their hands. With
such a small town and everybody knowing each
other, spreading this sickness isn't all that hard.
The Red Death is an extremely vicious and
deadly illness that is striking the United States
suddenly. Nobody knows yet where this sudden
illness is coming from or who, if anybody, created
it. Many people who get the Red Death experience
symptoms such as a high fever, vomiting, chills,
a bright red rash on the back and chest and
hallucinations during the early stages. During the
final stages of the virus there is difficulty breathing
and even more severe hallucinations and pustules
appear over various parts of the body. During this
stage of the virus the person is highly contagious
and should be contained. Once this stage is reached,
the only thing to really do is make the patient
comfortable as no known anti-biotic or vaccine
works on this so called "Super-Bug".
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